• Last seen: Sunday, 01 May 2011
  • Year of birth: 1956
  • Height: 175 cm
  • Build: Medium
  • Eyes: Hazel
  • Hair: Red
  • Complexion: Fair
  • Gender: Male


Cameron McClintic has lived in various places in Australia and has kept in regular contact with his family in the USA over the years. His current whereabouts is unknown but his relatives feel it is out of character for him not to have contacted them since May 2011, there are fears for his welfare and safety. He may have lived in Southport, Queensland or Wondonga Victoria and also NSW.

Missing man might have Border links

DO you know this man?

Cameron McClintic was reported missing 18 months ago by his family, with his last known contact to authorities being to change his address to a Wodonga property.

Wodonga police are investigating whether the man, 57, actually had ties to the Border or was using the Wodonga address as a cover.

“We know for a fact he hasn’t been to the address he nominated,” Detective Acting Sgt Andrew Leonard said.

“We want to see if anyone in Wodonga actually knows him or had dealings with him.”

Originally from Oregon in the US, Mr McClintic has lived in various places across Australia over the past decade, having last lived at a Southport property in Queensland.

He kept occasional contact with his relatives, who still live in the US.

After receiving no contact from him, his family reported him missing in October, 2011.

His last known contact with Australian authorities was in April 2010.

He had called VicRoads to change his drivers licence address to Chapple Street, Wodonga.

“In my opinion, he’s either avoiding being found by family or he has died,” Sgt Leonard said.

“His family in the US would be keen to find out because if he has died, they would have legal issues to sort out there.”

Mr McClintic is 175 centimetres, medium build, with hazel eyes, red hair and a fair complexion.

If you have any information, contact Sgt Leonard or Sgt Andrew Wilson at Wodonga police on (02) 6049 2700.