About the logo.......


I didn't have a logo for AMPR until 2010 when I held a competition open to everyone to design one for me. The winner was decided by public vote and it was overwhelmingly in favour of the logo above. This logo was designed by an 11 year old girl, who is the niece of a missing woman.

In winning the competition she beat professional graphic designers and people  four and five times her age.

The reason I love it is that it is simple and uncomplicated, and that has always been my vision for the website. I am contacted regularly by people offering to redesign the site and while that is very kind and generous, I always refuse. I don't want a website with lots of fancy graphics and carefully designed layouts. This isn't about the site, it never was. It's about the people who make up the site - the missing. I don't want anything at all to take away from the Missing. Their photos and stories are all that I want and need to be on the pages. Simple as that.